The future of DACA is in our hands
Trump is refusing to follow the Supreme Court. DHS issued a new memo directing USCIS to deny new DACA applications and only grant renewals for 1 year — a brazen violation of the Supreme Court.
We haven’t stopped fighting and neither should you. The fight for the future of DACA is now taking two routes: the courts and the vote.
The courts: DACA recipients are still challenging the administration in the courts. We continue to take new DACA clients in preparation for the moment when the courts open new applications. You will not pay anything and we will not submit any applications until this situation is resolved. Sign up as a LUPE client here: lupenet.org/newdaca.
The vote: Trump does not want to risk canceling DACA again before the November Elections because he knows how popular the program is. This move allows him to begin dismantling DACA now so that he can quickly cancel the program if he is re-elected.
The November Elections will decide the future of DACA. That is why we need to build immigrant youth power now. And we want you to join us.