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Pledge to Vote for Colonias!
By LUPE, January 28, 2014

mi compromiso juanitaThere are over 1,000 colonias in the Rio Grande Valley. Over 200,000 residents live in these unincorporated neighborhoods that lack basic infrastructure like streetlights and adequate drainage. Let's begin changing that with our voices, and with our votes.

We can make county officials pay attention to colonias if they see that lots of voters care about colonia issues like streetlights and drainage. Right now it looks like at least one county commissioner race will be decided by only around 1,000 votes. If those 1,000 voters say they care about colonias issues, don't you think county commissioners will take note?

Make your commitment to vote for colonias issues today!

Join LUPE's vote campaign to improve our Valley! We call on voters throughout Hidalgo County to show their support for colonia issues by filling out our voter pledge. The pledge says, “Today, I make my commitment for my family, community and country. In these elections, I will vote for: Streetlights, Drainage for all, Drivers licenses for all, Equality in investment in neighborhood infrastructure, Recovery of unpaid wages.”

With a race as close as 1,000 votes, every voter has the opportunity to impact the positions of the candidates. If we can show the commissioners our voter pledge demonstrating 1,000 voters that care about colonia issues, you bet they are going to do what they can to show their support for colonias. And colonias will be able to influence the position of the commissioner, no matter who wins.

Join your voice with colonia residents by making your commitment to vote for colonias today.

La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) is a community organization based in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. More posts


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