For Immediate Release: May 26, 2011
Contact: Martha Sanchez, Community Organizing Coordinator; (956) 584-3636 or
Sanctuary Cities House Bill 12 Dies as 82nd Texas Legislative Session Closes

Over 600 Valley residents marched against anti-immigrant legislation at the annual Cesar Chavez Day March.
La Union del Pueblo Entero and the Immigration Working Group of the Equal Voice Network are celebrating the defeat of an Arizona-style bill that would have given local police officers the authority to inquire into the immigration status of Texas residents. HB12, which was previously blocked by Senate Democrats, did not resurface as the 82nd Texas Legislature came to a close last night.
In a statement issued last night, the Reform Immigration for Texas Alliance states, “This victory belongs to communities in El Paso, Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Texas Valley, West Texas and others. RITA is proud of the efforts of our state-wide alliance and other advocacy groups such as the TRUST coalition. We all made the difference with our actions, our energetic strategy and our dedication to Texan values and rights.”
Martha Sanchez, Community Organizing Coordinator, says, “Because we were organized with the Reform Immigration for Texas Alliance, we were able to put enough pressure on our elected officials, so that they stood strong and united in blocking this proposal and showed that with unity there is strength.”
LUPE leader from San Juan, Rosario Contreras says, “When I found out that the bill didn’t pass, I felt happy; for myself, for my family members who also don’t have documents, for my husband. We’ve come to work hard, to provide for our families and to give our children an education. We’re not doing anyone wrong. On the contrary, we’re giving to the Valley because we also pay taxes. Our representatives saw that Arizona lost money that immigrants brought to the state and because of the boycott.”
The RITA statement continues, “The failure of HB12 was inevitable considering the far-reaching opposition to it that included police chiefs and sheriffs, faith leaders, business associations, Texas communities and civil and human rights activists across the state… Civil and human rights activists should be bolstered to know that if anti-immigrant legislation can’t pass in Texas with a Republican supermajority voting party-line, they can’t pass anywhere.”
LUPE members are available to speak on their feelings toward the blocking of the bill. To arrange an interview, please call Martha Sanchez at (956) 584-3636 or John-Michael Torres at (956) 534-0267.
For the full RITA statement, visit