Leaders from colonia Muniz after meeting with Precinct 4 representative Humberto Garza
“Estoy dispuesto a ayudarles en cual quier cosa.”
I am willing to help you in anything, said Humberto Garza, Field Operations Director of Hidalgo County Precinct 4 to residents of colonia Muniz and Trenton Mirrors. The promise came in a meeting between LUPE leaders and Garza where Precinct 4 colonia residents voiced their need for public lighting and recreational facilities.
Garza, who represented County Commissioner Joseph Palacios, said he would work with LUPE leaders to try to find ways to install public lighting in colonias like Muniz, where residents are organized with LUPE. “Si, se puede hacer,” Garza said. “There are two ways we can do it, through CDBG funds or through a grant for solar lighting.”
Moved by LUPE members in Precinct 3, Chief Administrator to Commissioner Joe Flores, Dr. Mona Ramirez Parras has already committed to installing solar lights in Alton area colonias beginning as soon as next month.
Through our campaigns, LUPE holds decision-makers accountable to their duty to serve the community.
Garza also said he would work with LUPE members to try to convert a canal into a walking trail for residents of colonia Trenton Mirrors. We are happy to report that the Director of Parks and Recreation has already made contact with us looking at that issue.
LUPE members from area colonias hope that this is the beginning of a fruitful relationship with Commissioner Palacios, Garza, and Precinct 4 staff.