New citizen Joanna Arredondo receiving recognition from Solomon Torres of Congressman Hinojosa's office
The Union celebrated 80 new citizens at our U.S. Citizenship Opportunity Program graduate ceremony, who, through hard work and dedication, have obtained citizenship and made a deeper commitment to the United States as their home.
“The citizenship pledge is something very sacred in our nation,” said special guest Solomon Torres, representative of Congressman Rubén Hinojosa.
As part of LUPE’s Programa Escalera, our U.S. Citizenship Opportunity Program assists immigrants that are ready to make a deeper commitment to the United States as their home. The program offers U.S. Government classes, and reading and writing in English as preparation for the Naturalization examination administered by the U.S. Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services. The program allows participants to overcome their perception that they cannot fully participate in U.S. public life due to non-citizenship. As new citizens, graduates of the program are ready to integrate themselves into the fabric of American society, now allowed to participate fully in the democratic decision-making processes.
“After an election campaign, the candidates know where their votes came from,” said Martha Sanchez, LUPE’s Community Organizing Coordinator. “Those neighborhoods with higher voter turnout receive more attention from elected officials. Voting is important.”
Join us in saying congratulation to our new citizens. Leave your words of encouragement in a comment on our blog and we'll share them with our next citizenship class!
LUPE members receiving their citizenship are Adán Anguiano, Alejandra Alejo, Alicia Román, Alma Dimas, Alonso Saldana, Amada S. Flores, Ania Castañeda, Arturo Soto, Blanca Valenzuela, Carlos Rivas, Claudia P. Rodríguez, Claudia Reyna, Daniel Zepeda, Deyanira Orozco, Diego Iorio, Elva G. Bermúdez, Enedelia García, Fernando Aguilar, Flora E. Míreles, Francisca Alejandro, Francisca Mendoza, Griselda Moreno, Guadalupe Z. Solís, Guillermo López, Hortencia Alaniz, Irene Salinas, Jesús Salinas, Joanna Arredondo, Joaquín Sierra, José Asencion Álvarez, José Guzmán, Josefina Tamez, Juan Hernández, Juana Anaya, Julio Salinas, Laura Valencia, Laurentino García, Lidia Bernal, Lidia Iorio, Ludivina Salinas, Luz Plasencia, Ma. Luisa Ramírez, Ma. Rosa Bonilla, Micaela Méndez, María Contreras, María Cortes, María D. López, María G. González, María Gómez, María Guadalupe Ojeda, María Salinas, María Teresa De La Garza, María Yolanda Sáenz, Nancy Medina, Nereyda López, Noé Martínez, Norma Bustos, Olga Guerrero, Paula Bermea, Ramón Almaguer, Refugio Avalos, Rosalva González, Rosario Hernández, Sandra Márquez, Sandra Molina, Santa Castro, Saúl Olvera, Silvia González, Silvia Saucedo, Simón García, Socorro Olivares, Sonia Campos, Susana De Santos, Tomasa Martínez, Jose Tapia, Maria Esparza, Nazario Presas, Eulalio Ibanez, Gregoria Alvarez, Jose Luis Chavez.