Life and Legacy of Cesar E. Chavez – The Art of Social Justice

We're inviting youth to be a bigger part of this year's Cesar Chavez March by entering our Life and Legacy of Cesar Chavez - The Art of Social Justice Art and Essay Contest!
Calling all Youth! La Union del Pueblo Entero invites you to enter the Life and Legacy of Cesar E. Chavez – the Art of Social Justice Art and Essay Contest for a chance to win a package of Art and Writing supplies. The contest will be part of our efforts to celebrate and promote the 50th Anniversary of the United Farm Workers and the life and legacy of UFW co-founder Cesar E. Chavez.
Contest Rules and Guidelines:
All youth ages 6-17 currently living in the Rio Grande Valley are eligible to enter. We will award 3 winners based on age in these age groups: 6-9, 10-13, 14-17.
Your artwork can be about the life and legacy of Cesar Chavez, or it can be about ways we can continue Cesar’s legacy at home, at school, or in the community. We’re looking for drawings, essays, paintings, sculpture, collage, or whatever format helps you express yourself. Submit your art to our San Juan office, located at the corner of Cesar Chavez Rd and Business 83 in San Juan, TX. Send your digital files or photographs to us at The file should be no larger than 5MB.
All submissions must come with an index card neatly stating your Name/Nickname and City. This will serve as a placard for your art and/or writing piece. Please also turn in one page with your full name, city and phone number. This will allow us to contact you for any reason.
Deadline and Award Announcement:
Deadline for submissions is March 26, 2012 at 5pm and the winners will be announced March 31, 2012 at our 9th Annual Cesar Chavez March. The winners will be honored at the rally ending the march. All youth entering the contest will have their artwork displayed during the rally.

The winners will receive an Art Set and Journal or Writing Supplies (click image for details). The winning artwork will be featured at our 9th Annual Cesar Chavez March and a photo of the artwork will be featured on our website, Facebook page and blog.
The winners will receive a package of Art and Writing supplies. The winning artwork will be featured at our 9th Annual Cesar Chavez March and a photo of the artwork will be featured on our website, Facebook page and blog.
Prizes include:
• 6-9 – An art toy and backpack with school supplies.
• 10-13 – A 50-sheet sketch pad and artist sketching set, plus writing journal. The artist sketching set includes 4 sketching pencils, 2 pastel sticks, 2 charcoal sticks, 2 paper blending sticks, eraser, pencil sharpener and block of sandpaper sheets.
• 14-17 – An acrylic color box set plus writing journal. The box set contains: 12 tubes of acrylic paint, 1 pallet, 1 art board, 1 pencil sharpener, 1 eraser, 4 artists brushes, 4 drawing pencils, 2 palette knives, and the wooden carrying case!
We can’t wait to see your artwork!
Attention educators! Why not teach about the life and legacy of Cesar and the UFW in your classroom and encourage your students to enter? Learn more about Cesar and the UFW by downloading this short bio and coloring book. And check out these great resources for educators on Cesar and the union.