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Three more days to vote early – pledge to vote!
By LUPE, October 29, 2014

Early Vote is currently underway!

We want to continue building the influence that our members have on the political decisions that impact their lives. You can help us do that by pledging to vote for issues important to colonia residents.

Take the pledge here:

Pledge: Today, I make my commitment for my family, community and country. I will vote in these elections.

con luz hay esperanza mi voto mi voz picture alumbra las colonias copyThese issues won't be on the ballot, but they are on the minds of the candidates running for office. That's because statewide, both political parties know that Latinos and immigrants are their future. They are calculating just how much they must change to accommodate us.

How much we vote and how we vote will have a major impact on things like whether state leadership will support anti-immigrant legislation or will instead support in-state tuition for DREAMers or provide driver's licenses to immigrants.

There is a lot at stake in these elections. Your vote will make a difference. Vote early up until Friday, October 31st.

Locally, we continue to build our influence. If we can increase our vote pledge numbers with each election cycle, pretty soon our members will wield considerable political clout, and elected officials will have to take them into account when making decisions that impact their lives.

Make your pledge to vote for colonia issues and show our members they have your support at the ballot box.

La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) is a community organization based in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. More posts


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