A drop in the ocean — you've heard the expression. We've all felt that way at one point. Felt as if we are part of something bigger, but have little influence. Here at LUPE we know that we are part of something bigger. Not a drop in the ocean but a grain of sand.
You might think a grain of sand doesn't sound much better that a drop in the ocean. It might sound like both are a small, insignificant part of a much larger whole.
So let me explain.
There's a saying in Spanish “Mi granito de arena” — My little grain of sand. We use it to refer to a small contribution to a collective goal. When we all pitch in something — time, resources, money — to a common goal, we can make great things happen.
Think about it — a grain of sand when multiplied can stop a flood.

It's not just something we believe. We've seen and felt it. Let me tell you about how LUPE members added their granito de arena to a campaign to end flooding in Rio Grande Valley neighborhoods and won drainage plans that include protection from climate change-fueled storms.
Watch the full recording of our most recent online membership meeting below. There, I talk to housing and colonia expert Josué Ramirez about how colonia residents combined power building with policy expertise to win big for their neighborhoods.

Unidos en la LUCHA,
Sergio and the LUPE team