Juanita Valdez-Cox honored at Hidalgo County Commissioners Court
By Portia Lopez, April 6, 2023

Commissioner Ellie Torres and Hidalgo County officials presented a proclamation to Juanita Valdez-Cox for her service to the social justice movement for 45 years. This proclamation was presented at Hidalgo County Commissioners Court on April 4, 2023. The room was full of proud LUPE staff, members, and supporters, all who stood by Juanita as she accepted the recognition. LUPE is proud stand by Juanita, our legendary former executive director, who led the organization through local, state, and national victories that expanded the rights of working class families and immigrants. ¡Si Se Puede!

LUPE Staff, members, and ARISE allies waiting at the Commissioners Court for the proclamation announcement
LUPE Staff, members, and ARISE allies standing in preparation of the announcement
To watch the LUPE Proclamation announcement and speech skip to 29:04 as it begins and ending at 40:20
Juanita Valdez-Cox giving her speech and thanks to those involved with LUPE
LUPE Staff, members, and ARISE allies listening to the speech being given by Juanita Valdez-Cox
Once the award has been announced and speeches given, everyone began to congratulate Juanita Valdez-Cox for her service and speak to one another
LUPE staff and members in a photo with Juanita Valdez-Cox

Driver sits behind the wheel smiling and holding up a red and black United Farm Worker flag emblazoned with a black aztec eagle on a red field.

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