On August 28th, 2023, Iowa Gardens celebrated the inauguration of their newly installed lights – a transformative addition implemented across their three colonias. These lights now grant residents the gift of visibility, children the joy of safe playtime, and ultimately bring an end to nights in darkness.

Here's what LUPE Member and Iowa Garden resident Elena Andino had to say: “Estábamos recogiendo firmas en el 2021 aquí en la colonia y ahora, ya dos años después, tenemos luz.” Elena continues by explaining the differences she has experienced regarding lighting from the past to now: “Antes, sin la luz, me han robado y pienso que si hubiera luz, la historia podría ser diferente. Ya que tenemos luz, pues estamos afuera hasta más tarde y nos sentimos más seguras.”
Basic necessities like light, water, internet, and paved roads aren't luxuries to be fought for over years; they are fundamental essentials crucial for our survival and integral to everyday life. Considering examples such the internet's significance for children in school and families working towards a better future. We start with that we can as one victory could lead to another in Iowa Gardens.

LUPE member and Iowa Garden resident, Petra Cortez, sheds light on the driving force behind their relentless pursuit of these lights. She recounts, “Había robos, la visibilidad era nula, en la noche no podíamos distinguir si se acercaban autos o no. Entre nosotros, los residentes de la colonia, creamos un grupo de WhatsApp para compartir información sobre vehículos sospechosos y así mantenernos seguros en conjunto. Ahora, con la instalación del alumbrado público, nuestra situación ha mejorado considerablemente.” Petra further delves into the process that led to the installation of the lighting: “Todo comenzó con Mari, ella formaba parte de LUPE. Nos brindó ayuda y nos guió en los pasos necesarios. Su dedicación nos impulsó a llevar a cabo este proyecto.”

Con LUPE, Si Se Puede!