On November 19th, 2023, marked another border visit by Gov. Abbott as he hosted Donald Trump in accompanying him in serving holiday meals to the National Guard stationed by Abbott in the RGV. Imagery politicians use of Warzones used to hide and distract from the reality behind their actions on that day.
These are two individuals who have done nothing but employ fear-mongering strategies and create a hostile environment for the working class, mixed-status families, and those who struggle against the prejudices stemming from Trump's past presidential term and Governor Abbott's persistent anti-immigration policies.
On the day of their meeting, LUPE and LUPE Votes organized and carried out an action to protest their gathering at the Texas Department of Public Safety – Driver License Center in Edinburg. The Texas DPS has played a key role in the implementation of anti-immigrant laws and family separations.

A caravan of Trump supporters shows up during LUPE's protest.
Members of LUPE and Valley residents joined forces to draw attention to the misuse of funds by Operation Lone Star and remind these politicians that everyone deserves dignity and respect regardless of their skin color or place of birth.
Michael Mireles, the Director of Civic Engagement for LUPE & LUPE Votes, states: “Ven el color de nuestra piel, ven lo que tenemos puesto, las comunidades de donde venimos, nuestros vecindarios, simplemente por vivir en la frontera de Texas. Estas son algunas de las razones por las que quieren decir que no debemos estar aquí”. Michael expressed that Governor Abbott continues to go against the people of the state of Texas. Although he doesn't express it explicitly, he demonstrates it by signing anti-immigrant laws and advocating for the border wall and the recent buoys in the Rio Grande.
The series of bills created and passed over the last year with an anti-immigration mindset, aiming to worsen the lives of those who inhabit our border town. Like Senate Bill 3 that would allocate a billion dollars to the continuation of the border wall, and Senate Bill 4 which gives law enforcement the ability to deport anyone suspected of crossing the border without permission. These are continuous attacks on our familias and friends.
We should be engaging in programs that help our gente instead of funding programs that continue to cause harm and suffering.

Maria Romero, a border resident and LUPE member, speaks at the protest, saying: “Somos un valle de familia, comunidad. Nos tratan como delincuentes, pero no lo somos… esos millones de dólares están bien, pero no para el muro. Son para la gente del valle, para la salud, para nuestros trabajos“. She continues by stating: “Estamos cansados, cansados como familia de lo mucho que nos persiguen. Y ahora, con el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 4, ¿cuántas más familias van a estar separadas?”
We continue working towards a future where we don't have to fight for our rights, and where our elected representatives invest in our collective well-being.
We shouldn't allow individuals who continue to promote harmful legislation and narratives in our home to have a voice. They talk about the safety and benefits that the border would bring, but what have they done for us? Besides funding more suffering.

Si Se Puede!