URGENT: Congressman Cuellar Must Act to Protect Dreamers!
Yesterday, Rep. Henry Cuellar (Mission-Laredo) said during an interview that he could close the year in Washington by voting on a spending package that didn’t include the Dream Act. Tell Congressman Cuellar to refuse to vote on a spending bill that doesn’t include the Dream Act.
Rep. Cuellar knows full well that Congress has a real chance at passing protections for Dreamers before the end of the year, but only if pro-Dreamer democrats and republicans call for protections in any spending packing.
He also knows that the funds in the spending package will be used to deport Dreamers unless protections for them are included. Every day, 122 immigrant youth lose protections and become vulnerable to deportation.
Representative Cuellar needs to hear from us! Tell him: No spending package without Dream Act!
Call Congressman Cuellar at 202-225-1640 and say:
“Congress has a real shot to pass legislation to protect Dreamers before Congress goes home for the holidays. I ask Congressman Cuellar to refuse to vote for a spending bill that will have funds used to deport dreamers. Anyone who stands with Dreamers can't vote for a spending bill that will be used to deport them.”