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What We Are Thankful For
By LUPE, November 26, 2013

This is the time of the year to be with loved ones and reflect on all the blessings in our lives. At La Union del Pueblo Entero, we have much to be thankful for. Read what our staff members are thankful for and let us know what you’re thankful for in the comments below.


2013 juanita 2“I am thankful for all the support from staff and members on the 40 days of the Fast against Militarization and for A Path to Citizenship. I am thankful for all LUPE staff and their dedication to the LUPE social change agenda.  I am thankful for the vision and dedication of Cesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta to building a movement for low income Latinos! I am thankful for the DACA youth who struggled through the process [of applying for DACA] but persisted and bring their energy and vision for a better tomorrow.”

Juanita Valdez-Cox, Executive Director


2013 Martha“I am thankful for our team of organizers, a group of young people that are willing to be so dedicated to the cause. They provide the space so that the membership can grow and learn what they need to do to improve their communities. Their dedication makes the job of organizing look easy when we know it is so difficult, making great change in the colonias.”

Martha Sanchez, Coordinator of Community Organizing



cristela“I am thankful for LUPE leaders that are challenging the idea that colonias cultivate crime and bad people. I’m thankful for the heroes that we have in our communities, though we don’t always realize it. Like Maria Romero, LUPE member from colonia Iowa Gardens and active member of her colonia’s neighborhood watch, who foiled the efforts of a would-be kidnapper to abduct her neighbor’s child by reporting the suspicious actions of the stranger to her neighborhood to local officials. In the colonias, there is community, there is unity.”

Cristela Rocha, Community Organizer


JMT 2013 gala“I am thankful to work with a dedicated team who is willing to step up for the rights of the community. When the DPS check points where implemented, members of our staff willingly went through the check points to better understand the scope of what was taking place. It was in this way that we learned about the questions they were asking to those who were stopped. I am thankful because they came together as a team, and we were able to inform the community of the different check points, in order to secure our neighborhoods from profiling based on legal status and income.”

John-Michael Torres, Communications Coordinator


Tania 2013“I’m thankful that we continue to help DACA eligible student to get their work permit. I’m thankful that we have staff members like Lupita, who I believe is going to organize a fundraiser to help pay for the DACA processing fees of one of our members. I’m thankful to have social service providers like Mari Trujillo, who was able to help one of her clients by selling embroidered tortilla napkins to help alleviate the financial struggles of the client’s family. Not only do we provide services to our members, but we have developed relationship to help alleviate the struggles of everyday life.”

Tania Chavez, Special Projects Coordinator

La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) is a community organization based in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. More posts


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