On, Tuesday, May 2, 2023, LUPE and ally organizations will be joining in protest against two extreme and dangerous bills in Texas, HB7 and HB20, that are an endangerment to immigrant families in the Rio Grande Valley
What: La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), ARISE, ACLU of Texas, Texas Civil Rights Project, Laredo Immigrant Alliance, and other local organizations across the Rio Grande Valley will gather at the Starr County Annex Courthouse to voice their concerns over a “border protection” bill that brings more harm than “protection.” As these bills welcome discrimination against the working class along our border, our home, we all will be standing united against clear indications of profiling based on race and national origin. Si se puede!
When: Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023 starting at 9 AM – 11 AM CDT
Where: Starr County Courthouse Annex, 100 N, FM 3167, Rio Grande City, TX 78582
Who: La Unión Del Pueblo Entero, ARISE, ACLU of Texas, Texas Civil Rights Project, Laredo Immigrant Alliance, and South Texans across the Rio Grande Valley
Visuals: Participants protest and chant outside of the Starr County Courthouse Annex. Chosen speakers will be giving speeches and be available for interviews as posters are waved and chants are shouted against HB7 and HB20.
If you are not able to attend the event feel free to contact Ramiro Gonzalez, Communications Coordinator, ramirog@lupenet.org, 956-350-4277, and he can send you footage recorded from the event.