The New Floating Barrier is a multibillion-dollar effort to “secure” the U.S. border with Mexico. While Governor Abbott wastes funds on these made-for-TV tactics, the needs of working-class Texans are ignored.
La Unión del Pueblo Entero condemns Governor Greg Abbott’s waste of resources in the multi-billion dollar efforts to “secure the U.S border with Mexico.” While a new dangerous floating barrier is installed along the Rio Grande, border residents of Colonia Pueblo de Palmas are facing an urgent infrastructure challenge. Residents have endured their water being shut off or to water boil notices for weeks. The Pueblo de Palmas community has faced infrastructure issues year after year, and a lack of investment shows there is no end in sight.
In response, Elizabeth Marquez, Community Organizer, said:
“LUPE members and border residents of Pueblo de Palma have suffered and continue to suffer because we lack the infrastructure our families deserve. While Gov. Abbott and other elected officials waste funds on dangerous border militarization, our needs go ignored and underfunded. Instead of all the resources spent on creating these new floating barriers, the state should invest to ensure all Texans have running water in their homes and keep their survival flowing.
Are we to sit around and wait when we are aware of where resources are spent? As a leader, as the governor of Texas, Abbott should ensure residents of Texas are well kept and provided for. We see this time after time— as leaders focus on their new anti-immigration tactics or the most ‘troubling issue’ that favors themselves for political gain.
Our families and residents of Pueblo de Palma in Peñitas, TX, are in need of repairs, in need of water, and a better way of life. Pueblo de Palmas families deserve an immediate investment!
“Los miembros de LUPE y los residentes fronterizos de Pueblo de Palmas sufrimos porque nos falta la infraestructura que nuestras familias merecen. Mientras el gobernador Abbott y otros funcionarios electos malgastan fondos en la peligrosa militarización de la frontera, nuestras necesidades son ignoradas y carecen de fondos. En lugar de todos los recursos gastados en la creación de estas nuevas barreras flotantes, el estado debería invertir para asegurar que todos los tejanos tengan agua corriente en sus hogares y mantener su supervivencia fluyendo.
¿Vamos a sentarnos a esperar cuando somos conscientes de dónde se gastan los recursos? Como líder, como gobernador de Texas, Abbott debería asegurarse de que los residentes de Texas estén bien mantenidos y provistos. Vemos esto una y otra vez cuando los líderes se enfocan en sus nuevas tácticas anti-inmigración o en el ‘asunto más problemático' que les favorece a ellos mismos para obtener ganancias políticas.
Nuestras familias y residentes del Pueblo de Palma de Peñitas, TX, necesitan reparaciones, en necesidad de agua, y una mejor forma de vida. ¡Las familias del Pueblo de Palmas merecen una inversión inmediata!”
To arrange virtual or in person interviews with representatives of LUPE, contact Ramiro Gonzalez, LUPE Communications Coordinator, at (956) 360-4277 or Interviews available in English and Spanish.