Income tax services
Preparation of income tax returns coupled with advocacy on behalf of families having a tax dispute or controversy with the IRS.
Immigration services
Preparation of immigration applications necessary for obtaining legal status.
Translation of official documents
Translation of various official documents (from English to Spanish and vice versa) for the purpose of assisting people in responding to same.
Notary services
Preparation of notarized statements and documents for submission to schools or other government entities in response to requests made by same.
Interventions with local law enforcement
Interventions with local government officials, (i.e., convincing law enforcement officials to forego escort fees [$350] for funeral processions of low-income families).
Assisting in the transferring of auto titles
Assisting in the transferring of auto titles in order to secure the family’s primary means of transportation – a lifeline that connects people with employment locally and/or out of state.
Workers rights advocacy
Assisting workers in recovering unpaid wages from employers, and/or assisting them in obtaining employment reinstatement when unfairly terminated.
Free Citizenship Classes
In English or Spanish
Free Basic English Classes
Free Accidental Death Insurance
and so much more
When you become a LUPE member, you help empower our programs to serve the Rio Grande Valley.