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If you would like to take your support a step further, help us organize to defend and  protect  our immigrant families. No one should have to live under the constant threat of being separated from their families. Help fight against the anti-immigrant rhetoric by joining our Immigration Comite!

I'm Ready to Organize!

Stop Funding Hate: End Family Separations!

We are deeply disturbed with Commissioner Dawn Buckingham's recent proposal to allocate RGV land to the construction of deportation facilities. This not only adds to harmful anti-immigration rhetoric, but completely forgoes the needs of our pueblo. Sign our petition and urge that Commissioner Buckingham to reconsider the state's investment in more deportation facilities that will only effectively result in family separation, devastation of labor industries who rely on immigrants for labor, and further criminalization of the immigrant community.

Stop Funding HAte: End Family Separations


If you would like to take your support a step further, help us organize to defend and  protect  our immigrant families. No one should have to live under the constant threat of being separated from their families. Help fight against the anti-immigrant rhetoric by joining our Immigration Comite!

I'm ready to organize!