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Thanks for your message. We will respond as soon as possible. In the mean time, follow us on social media or read our latest news.

LUPE’s Protest of the 47th Presidential Inauguration
Although a severe cold front chilled most of the country on the dawn of January 20th, 2025, La Union del…
Mario Quintanilla

Resistance and Resilience Event
No excerpt…
Estefania Norato

Introducing Our New Podcast– 140 Days!
We have some exciting news to share! As you may know, a new year marks new beginnings and we are…
Estefania Norato

The Story Continues: Organizing Colonia Victories
La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) has provided unwavering support to our members and their communities since it was established…
Mario Quintanilla

Know Your Rights!: In Response to Gov. Executive Order GA-46. Abbott
Executive Order GA-46 requires Texas hospitals to ask for information about patients' immigration status and report this aggregate data, along…
Estefania Norato

Resistance and Resilience: Love Letters to our Community
We know that post-election results can leave many of us feeling lost, isolated, and even scared. It’s a tough time,…
Thanks for your message
Thanks for your message. We will respond as soon as possible. In the mean time, follow us on social media or read our latest news.

LUPE’s Protest of the 47th Presidential Inauguration
Although a severe cold front chilled most of the country on the dawn of January 20th, 2025, La Union del…
Mario Quintanilla

Resistance and Resilience Event
No excerpt…
Estefania Norato

Introducing Our New Podcast– 140 Days!
We have some exciting news to share! As you may know, a new year marks new beginnings and we are…
Estefania Norato

The Story Continues: Organizing Colonia Victories
La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) has provided unwavering support to our members and their communities since it was established…
Mario Quintanilla

Know Your Rights!: In Response to Gov. Executive Order GA-46. Abbott
Executive Order GA-46 requires Texas hospitals to ask for information about patients' immigration status and report this aggregate data, along…
Estefania Norato

Resistance and Resilience: Love Letters to our Community
We know that post-election results can leave many of us feeling lost, isolated, and even scared. It’s a tough time,…